Monday, June 1, 2009

Im Back! With New News!

Hey guys I haven't been posting because i've been playing this new game called Planet Cazmo!
Look at my music video i did of its my life!

Its just preview though :(.

And for chobots Guess what!!
Have you noticed this new cool guy?

Once you login you will see a chobot dressed up
in clothes check it out!

Andddd a new stage!!

Check it out!!

Then (theres alot more!)
New Instruments!!
So earn your bugs and get some more music!!

And... New Glasses!!

They are really cool!
Check em out!
at the clothing shop!

And... (Last One)

New Dance Moves!!

I've never tried one but see em and tell me about them!!


P.S. This blog will be a planet cazmo/Chobot website!!! O.M.G right? And if your wondering my planet cazmo name its named AiRnEsS so lets meet some day!!


~Chill AKA AiRnEsS

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